Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk

The Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk was a single-seat, twin-engine stealth ground-attack aircraft formerly operated by the United States Air Force (USAF). The F-117A's first flight was in 1981, and it achieved initial operating capability status in October 1983. The F-117A was "acknowledged" and revealed to the world in November 1988.
A product of Lockheed Skunk Works and a development of the Have Blue technology demonstrator, it became the first operational aircraft initially designed around stealth technology. The F-117A was widely publicized during the Persian Gulf War of 1991. It was commonly called the "Stealth Fighter" although it was a ground-attack aircraft, making its F-designation misleading.
The Air Force retired the F-117 on 22 April 2008, primarily because of the fielding of the F-22 Raptor and the impending introduction of the F-35 Lightning II.  Sixty-four F-117s were built, 59 of which were production versions with five demonstrators/prototypes.
 'stealthy' attack warplane
Max Speed:
550 kt/646 mph
Max Range:
1,112 km / 691 miles
span 13.20 m / 43 ft 4 in length 20.08 m / 65 ft 11 in height 3.78 m / 12 ft 5 in
empty 13,608 kg / 30,000 lb max. take-off 23,814 kg / 52,500 lb
two 4899-kg (10,800-lb) dry thrust General Electric F404-GE-F1D2 turbofans
provision for 2268 kg (5,000 Ib) of disposable stores carried in a lower-fuselage weapon bay; standard weapons are the AGM-88 HARM anti-radar missile, AGM-65 Maverick ASM. GBU-19 and GBU-27 optronically guided bombs, BLU-109 laser-guided bomb, and B61 free-fall nuclear bomb
United States
United States Air Force
4450th Tactical Group – Tonopah Test Range Airport
4450th Tactical Squadron (1981–1989)
4451st Tactical Squadron (1981–1989)
4453rd Test and Evaluation Squadron (1985–1989)
37th Tactical Fighter Wing – Tonopah Test Range Airport
415th Tactical Fighter Squadron (1989–1993)
416th Tactical Fighter Squadron (1989–1993)
417th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron (1989–1993)
49th Fighter Wing – Holloman AFB
7th Fighter Squadron (1991–2006)
8th Fighter Squadron (1992–2008)
9th Fighter Squadron (1993–2008)
412th Test Wing - Edwards Air Force Base
410th Flight Test Squadron (1993–2008)

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