Dove: Evulation of Brand - Review Harvad Business School

Dove is a length of product line from Unilever, a leading global manufacturer of packaged goods. Dove as like the other product from Unilever, have social mission. Dove was become a Masterbrand and Unique brand because they had program to exploratory market research, consulting with experts, and conversations with women. When Unilever made surveys in 3.000 women from 10 countries about the hypotheses generated by the psychologists and they findings was the fact that only 2% of respondents worldwide chose to describe themselves as beautiful.
From the that’s program Dove did “The Campaign for Real Beauty”, it had mission to changing opinion about “beauty”. Beauty not just mean young, white, blonde and thin, everyone can be beauty with their unique characteristics. The impact for the program, Dove be the worlds number one “cleansing” brand in the beauty and healty sector and competed with brands like Procter and Gamble’s Ivory, Kao’s Jergens and Beiersdorf’s Nivea.

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