Real Steel - Review Movie

Real Steel, a movie depicting action ride set in the near future where the sport of boxing has gone high technology. In this movie Huge as Charlie Kenton and he have a son, his name is Max. In the past Charlie is a boxer, and when his lost fight with Niko he changed be a fighter robot (controller or something like that). He had much debt because his robots always lost when fight with the enemy.
One time, after his ex-girlfriend died, in the court when determine custody of Max, Charlie sold the custody with Debora husband with the secret. And when summer Max must lived with Charlis, his protested to Charlie “why he must sold the custody”, and Charlie just said because its better for you.
Max insisted coming to the robot fight place and they had lost. But it’s a beginning story relation ship between “Dan and Son”. Max found a Robot and his names Adam, Adam is unique robot because like human. Charlie and Max build and train competition Robot boxing and they win. This relationship broken because Charli  must give up Max to Debora. Charlie felt guilty and he came to Max and apologized, and then they build and train a championship contender, Adam fight Zeus. Zeus is a overall winner the competition robot boxing, although Adam lost but his a hero and the spectators like him.

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