2012 - Movie Review

wow, now was december so 2012 is next month. Do you remember this movie?? ok i will remind you, ok read carefully men:

This movie tells the world that experience the tragedy of the disaster the end of 2012, due to parallel the planets that cause the earth’s core heats up and creates a global disaster, where every one can’t escape from this tragedy and where damage has occurred, which is cansiy destruction of the human race. Disaster such as meteor showers, volcanic eruptions, until the tsunami waves that swallowed the himalayas brings the world to the brink of destruction.
This has been predicted by the highly accurate in the caculation of the calender. The Mayans predicted that no more dates of the years 2012 and no human race lives there after. Curtis Jackson a writer and researcher about trying to prevent this disaster. Armed with knowladge of the Maya nation fore casts, Jackson tried to open a portal between dimensions to find him self the other. He believes that this is the way one-of them.
At the time, the world portrayed affected and chaos going on everwhere which resulted in destruction of the human race, but at the end of the movie in there describly the three ships can still be saved and not destroyed the human race but will still be able to continue living in the continent that does not have such a great disaster. I think it’s the best movie altough many people. I think this is a very good movie, although a lot of controversy in the community.
So do belive that?? jiah, its just a imagine and just a movie so don't worry. keep spirit guys!

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