The Effect of Globalization (Nationality)

The development of science and technology creates a new world order, where the state borders fade and tend to lead the worls into singe unit (market) or a global word. Society world was constantly changing technological development in line, moving from an agrarian society and civic industry continues to post-industrial society which is too tekhnologis. If there is a State or nation is not ready to face the global challenges that is multidimensional and not able to take advantage of opportunities then precisely state or nation will become a victim of globalization itself.
Indonesia as one part of the world (world society) involved in the currents of globalization. In an attempt to face the challenges of globalization, Indonesia has the Pancasila as the State which is an essential guide for every Indonesian citizen has the same understanding and ultimately have the same perception and attitude to the position, role and function of Pancasila in the life of nation and state.Pancasila is the foundation or fundamental of life of the nation, the State will strengthen the fundamental strength of the founding of the State, and vice versa fundamental fragility of a country will result in weakness of the State, therefore the foundation of this country must always be strong and sturdy.

Globalization is happening in various aspects of life will make every nation into one part of the world. The wave of globalization is specifically affects three crucial areas in the life of the nation, namely the political area, the area of ​​economic and cultural areas.
Or area in terms of politics, the issues that matter most powerful democracy is exhaled. Democratization has spread throughout the country so that they do social movements and even a coup against the dictatorship system of government or any form of government which impartially to the community. Of course this affects two different sides, namely the positive: the era of globalization can foster democratic awareness, awareness of rights and obligations and responsibilities in a state of consciousness. But other than that was the issue of democratization is mainly for developing countries often lead to attitudes and actions of anarchists who can take a lot of casualties and the disintegration of the nation so that the concept of nationalism worse off. Many historic events in this area (cases), such as reforms of 1998 and overthrow of President Muammar Gaddafi dictatorship as well as some governments in the Middle East last time.

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