Garuda Indonesia Tops Other Airlines in On-Time Performance

Flag carrier Garuda Indonesia with average 86.98% was named as the best national airliner for OTP (On-Time Performance). State-owned Merpati Nusantara Airlines followed behind with 75.60%, private-owned Sriwijaya Air (74.90%) and Indonesia Air Asia (71.96%). In an assessment from January to April 201 at  24 airports nation-wide conduted by the Transportation Ministry recorded, Batavia’s OTP was 68.83% and Lion’s 66.45% were named the ministry as the two worst players for on-time performance. ‘Lion and Batavia Air its OPT still below 70 percent, we put them in category and will be constantlysupervise.
Angkasa (a magazine flight) noted three days later Batavia and Lion pledged to improve their OTP by taking various measures. Prior to the pledge, the ministry has ordered Lion Air to ground 13 aircraft as standby aircraft in Indonesia for covering delays or aircraftfailures. Herry Bakti, Air Transportation Directorat General futher said, sanction would be also imposed on Batavia Air by reducing its passenger productivity should no improvements-s were made. “should batavia unable to improve its OTP above 70 percent, a similar Lion’s Air sanction will be imposed on carrier”.
Since the sanction, Lion Air has put eight of its aircraft as standby and has reduced 82 flights for improving the carrier’s OTP. Lion Air also recruited additional 100 cockpit crews to the meet the 3,5 crew-set per aircraft as mentioned by the ministary for computing its hight productivity. While Batavia Air improving its OTP, beside maintenance, had recruited additional six captain pilots. The carrier operates 36 aircraft consisting 39 Boeing 737 Classics, five Airbus A320s and two A330s. the Transportation Ministary categorized airlines with 60% OTP in the red, 70-80% in the yellow mark, with 80-90% in the green and carrier with 90% OTP in the excellent category.

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