Why YouTube is very important for business perspective

YouTube is a social media with large area and many viewer in the world so YouTube can be a media promoted. By uploading video to YouTube Company can marketing their product, and  I think that’s good method and just need little cost but can give big impact and very effective.

YouTube considered illegal because Because everyone can upload commercial items like music, film, but their don’t have a license to post them. Everyone can upload anything what they want. And the solutions for youtube to be legal is YouTube must have a assigning with the media companies because YouTube is a social media so all the content must free (not pay), and as the return, YouTube can be media promoted their product.

The conclusion from the case is: Now, the marketing is very easy and free so every company must can using that for the effective marketing. And for Indivual, social media like youtube, facebook, twitter, their can be a business area so we can using that for everything utilize, like “online business” and you can make a something to get money.

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